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Cloth Diaper Educating

Cloth Diaper Educating...

Tiny Tush helps educate parents about cloth diapers.

And we provide information to all sorts of parents – parents who are enjoying life with their first baby and want to learn about cloth options, as well as parents who with previous children have used disposable diapers, but now want to explore eco-friendly solutions. There are also parents who have multiple children, who have used cloth all along, but want to know about new things!

We’ve tried to put some great education information on our website, so be sure to explore all our sections and learn all that you can about cloth diapering.  (And, we have a Facebook page – this is a great place to post a question and either we - or another parent - can likely help you with an answer!)

We at Tiny Tush are parents too. So remember, we are here to answer all of your questions, and to share our knowledge with you.  Feel free to drop us an email or give us a call at any time.

"What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul."

- Joseph Addison