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Cloth Diapering FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about Cloth Diapering


Do I need to wash the diapers before using?

Yes, please wash diapers 3-4 times prior to first use. Cotton has natural oils in it that will repel water causing the urine to roll off and leak. Remember that if you are not certain the size is correct, only wash one diaper, as we cannot accept returns on washed (or used) diapers.


Why are the diapers so large? Will they shrink?

When you get the new diapers they will be larger. Shrinkage is considered when they are made. The diapers will shrink most during the first wash and dry, but continue to shrink slightly during the first few washings. If you are unsure of the size, be sure to wash and dry the diaper a few times before washing all of them.


How long should a cloth diaper last before needing to be replaced?

If you avoid using chlorine bleach, cloth diapers should last about 200+ washes. I know that 200 washes does not sound like a lot but in reality, cloth diapers hold up very well under all of the demands that we put on them. Think about your favorite shirt that you love. If you washed and dried that shirt every other day for 200+ washes, you would have a very thin rag with holes that once resembled your favorite shirt.


At night my child is wetting through her usual daytime diapers! Do I need to buy new diapers with more layers of fabric?

No. I would not recommend a diaper with too many layers of fabric. They are hard to wash thoroughly and take a very long time to dry. I would use a daytime diaper and add a diaper doubler or two to reach the absorbency that is needed. The second option would be to use usual diapers for the day and diapers with more absorbency for night and nap times.


What is a good daytime diaper?

A good daytime diaper should be absorbent enough that you are changing your baby about every 2 hours or when wet. The diaper should not be too thick. You should be able to wash and dry the diaper within a reasonable amount of time. Expect diapers to dry in about the same length of time necessary to dry as a load of towels.


I have heard that not only are cloth diapers softer for my child, but I will save a lot of money too?

Yes, that is true. Most people can save $1,500+ by using cloth diapers. That is taking into account the cost of washing, drying, laundry detergent and the wear and tear on washing machines. In fact, if you are in need of a new washer and dryer, using cloth diapers will save you enough money with the first child that you can buy a new set to do all of your laundry and still have money.


Is it true that cloth diapered children potty train faster?

Yes they do. The child feels the wetness and associates it with the full bladder feeling they get prior to feeling wet when they urinate. So they do learn and train faster.


What can I do to prevent diapers from staining?

Rinse any of the diapers that have been soiled in COLD water. Hot water will set stains. Use products like Bi-O- Clean Bac-out in your diaper pail to prevent staining and odors. Diaper liners can help prevent staining and provide for easier clean ups.


What will I need to get started?

This depends on how often you intend to wash your diapers. The average baby uses 8 - 12 diapers per day. With a supply of 24 diapers and 5-7 covers* per size, you would need to do laundry about every other day. The ideal amount of diapers would be 30-36. This allows you to go 3-4 days without washing a load of diapers.
*Most covers can air dry between uses and only need to be washed every few days unless soiled.


How much should I pay for used diapers?

That depends on how used the diapers are. It is difficult to know how much a diaper has been used. If you see diapers with thin spots or holes they are probably ready for retirement. If you buy used diapers and need to replace them to compare in life to new diapers you are now paying more for used. It would be cheper to invest in new diapers. That does mean you can not get a good deal on used diapers, but be sure to ask questions and not over pay.


Will you ever sell the natural bio-degradable disposable diapers?

No, Tiny Tush will never sell products that are not proven healthy for your child, the environment or your pocket book. Our research has found out that Seventh Generation and Nature Boy or Girl makes disposable diapers that are targeted towards natural parents. They are the same types of diapers as Huggies and Pampers but with unbleached paper. Do not be fooled they still have the same gels and chemicals in them. Tushies are made with 100% Non-Chlorine bleached wood pulp blended with real cotton for absorbency. However there is no such thing as a biodegradable diaper! Landfill's environment just mummifies them for 500 years and they are too costly.


It gets very hot here in the summer. Should I use disposables during the summer?

No, you do not need to use disposable diapers in the summer, in fact disposable diapers do not breathe. They create a hot environment which may promote diaper rash. Cloth diapers are made from breathable fabric promoting air circulation and healthy skin.


If diapers are one size adjustable for all size kids, what size cover are you supposed to get to go over them since they require a diaper cover?

Most One-Size-Diapers are designed with a removable liner to make the diapers versatile so it will accommodate children from birth to potty training toddlers. By using the diaper without the liner it reduce the thickness of the diaper to fit a newborn baby, and using the diaper with the liner to increase the absorbency for Toddlers. A well-designed one-size diaper adjusts the rise to accommodate the height of the diaper to fit a wide range of children. However covers do not work like that. With most brands of covers you will need to use three sizes of cover usually small, medium, and large. With all diapers, a well fitted cover is important to prevent leaks.