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Made In USA

We Are Committed to Made in USA

Cloth Diapers and Diapering Supplies Made In The USA

A majority of all Tiny Tush Products are made in USA. We also source American-made components whenever we can, and that means that all but the smallest part of every diaper, insert, wet bag and any other product you buy from Tiny Tush is made in the United States with materials made in the United States. We believe that if we want our customers to look for products made in USA, then we must do so too. This isn't easy, but we work hard to make our products in the USA because a strong economy is important to us.

Made in USA is one of our most important commitments as a company.

We make products for babies and children because we care about them. We want to improve the world for them. We care about babies' health and comfort as they wear Tiny Tush diapers and we care about the accumulated environmental effects of those diapers---effects those babies will inherit as they grow to adulthood.

It is important to us to make a difference in people's lives---not just in our customer's lives but in the lives of the people who sew Tiny Tush cloth diapers, in the lives of the people who sell Tiny Tush cloth diapers and in the lives of everyone who helps us create a life-sustaining family business.

Together we make a difference toward a strong economy for all Americans.


Why We Manufacture Cloth Diapers in the USA

Foremost, we value economic sustainability. Ours is a family business. Through the work that we do making and selling cloth diapers, we support our family and the families of those who work for us directly as well as the families of those who provide materials and services for us and the families of those who sell our products in their stores or rent our products through their diaper services. We recognize and value the positive ripple effect that our success has.

Sustainable jobs for Americans mean your children have a better chance of a strong economic future for their own families. Creating jobs is something we are proud of.


The Multiplier Effect

Every direct manufacturing job in the U.S. has a multiplier effect, creating 2.7 – 8.5 additional jobs, depending on industry, both backward (in agriculture, extraction, materials and components manufacturing, for example) and forward (in shipping, accounting, distribution, retail and other areas).

It is because of that positive effect of creating manufacturing jobs that we source material in the USA first. We prefer that our manufacturing be built on other U.S. manufacturing. Not until we have searched everywhere in the U.S. for the components we need will we go overseas.  

Making products in the U.S.A. doesn't mean the price for the consumer is higher, but it does mean that the benefits are higher. We keep our prices competitive with other U.S-made and foreign-made cloth diapers. We want you to feel great about your purchase when you buy made in USA products and keep money circulating in local economies.


Product Quality

Because we make our products closer to home, we can oversee the quality of materials and workmanship that goes into our diapers before it is too late. We want these products to last for your baby. We create cloth diapers that are tough enough for the industrial wash routines of big diaper services, so we know the products can hold up to home washing.


Labor Regulations

We also like that made in USA means meeting at least basic workplace standards. Buying American made products, you can be confident that workers who sew for Tiny Tush are paid fairly for their work and that their work conditions are safe.


Environmental Regulations

We are also concerned about environmental impacts of our products. We want our products to meet or exceed standards for environmental best practices in production. Out of sight should not be out of mind. What is done on the other side of the world will affect our children and our grandchildren as well, so we prefer to keep an eye on production here at home.



When you buy products made closer to you, you waste less energy transporting them. The more local the manufacturing, the greater the savings of energy and of energy costs. Manufacturing closer to home and buying local leaves a smaller carbon footprint. 


Customers Ask for Made in USA

We are not alone in our desire to start as close as we can to home. In a 2010 survey by Adweek & Harris Polls, 61% of U.S. adults are more likely to buy a product that is labeled "Made in USA." We know that many of our retailers mark products clearly and even have separate sections of their local and online stores to satisfy the needs of their customers to know the origin of their cloth diapers.

We manufacture in the U.S. because it is important to us. We make sure you know about our manufacturing in the U.S. because we know it is important to a lot of you as well.